
June 1, 2023

Why Your Business Needs UKG Dimensions for Effective Workforce Planning 

Contributions from Clifford Kurten & Isaiah Lechowit 

Successful organizations don’t go it alone, and expecting your workforce to stay apprised of regulations from a local to global level while adhering to individual jobs and schedules is a tall task for any one person. Your company needs a solution that drives value back to your business while keeping your workforce productive and your organization in compliance with regulatory requirements. 

When it comes to workforce management, UKG Dimensions is leading the way. From increasing productivity to reducing risks, UKG Dimensions offers solutions with real world benefits. In any industry, two of the most critical capital investments organizations have are time and people. Without the effective management of both these resource pools, the goal of profitability is increasingly difficult today. Competition for high quality talent is becoming fiercer by the day. Organizations are spending untold amounts of money to decrease their productions times by seconds because they understand that seconds add up. UKG understands that principle as well. UKG Dimensions provides a platform to maximize the usability of a HCM system for employees while simultaneously creating significant gains in efficiency over legacy systems or for some customers, antiquated manual process.  

Organizations are able to tailor their experience to achieve their goals with UKG Dimensions and provide an experience of empowerment for employees. UKG Dimensions can do far more than keep track of when and where employees clock in and out. The possibilities are nearly endless of what this system can do to automate processes such as scheduling, absence management, time off, leave, and more. Not only can it manage all that, but also provide the analytics to understand trends and identify gaps to further increase efficiencies. The time saved by automating these process in one place while also having the ability to identify opportunities for greater efficiency will have significant bottom line impacts for any organization looking to modernize their HCM process.

See how your company can save time and capital while reducing risk when you integrate UKG Dimensions into your workforce. 

Productivity Gains 

An independent study showed that prior to implementing UKG Dimensions, managers spent up to 10% of their time in the workplace with excruciatingly manual processes. Managers and employees found themselves trading slips of paper, manually generating schedule changes, and encountering unexpected downstream scheduling impacts. 

After implementing UKG Dimensions, those manual changes became a thing of the past. Managers and supervisors saw enhanced efficiency in generating rosters and overseeing employee schedules. Time off and shift change requests became simple. The study showed that the tools offered in UKG Dimensions saved up to 208 hours per year for managers, or up to 10% of their productive hours per year. 1 With this time, managers fostered an increased focus on key business priorities and maximized their team’s productive output. 

Workforce Optimization 

Studies also show that prior to implementing UKG Dimensions, organizations followed disjointed and manual processes for collecting information from aging internal systems and outdated communication procedures. Managers would use informal processes of communication to deliver information to their workforce, leading to miscommunication, employees missing scheduled shifts, and unanswered time off and shift change requests. 

Once UKG Dimensions was introduced into the workplace, scheduling, requesting time off, and using data collected by UKG systems to enhance the scheduling process resulted in a three percent improvement in timekeeping procedures, saving valuable time and capital for the organization. 1 

Compliance Improvements 

UKG Dimensions offers you the tools to build your pay and timekeeping standards in ways that enable your company to reduce manual work while also reducing the risk of noncompliance. Employer fines and penalties due to noncompliance have doubled in recent years leading to a loss of over $5 million in yearly revenue due to these noncompliance events.2 

With an array of regulations governing your business from the local to the global level and surprises such as COVID-19, keeping your organization in compliance with rules and regulations is more important than ever. UKG’s commitment to keeping their toolset compatible with the rules that govern your business will allow you to quickly pivot with changes in regulations. Rest assured that you’ll have the tools you need to stay in compliance. 

In conclusion, the return on investment in UKG Dimensions is by design. UKG Dimensions wants your business to thrive, enable your employees to effortlessly adhere to their schedules, reduce your company’s risk of noncompliance events, and deliver time back to your managers so they can drive the business goals forward. In today’s dynamic business landscape, driving sustainable growth and effectively managing your workforce may seem like a locked-down secret, but UKG Dimensions is the key to that success. 



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